Yes! Yes! Yes!
A post a day for 2 weeks.
Can U do it?
First up: A film you like. One of my favourite movies is Brazil by British director Terry Gilliam. It has a great cast (elenco) and it's a very funny science fantasy comedy. The humour is quite wicked which is most probably why I like it. I first saw this film in 1985 in a cinema called The Rio, an old arts cinema in London that's very like the Normandie. I went with my friend Martin on a Saturday afternoon. A crazy movie that makes me cry with laughter every time I see it.
(that's 80 words!!)Tell me about your favourite film.
Who's in it
What's it about
Why you like it.
About 80 words please.
wow simon what memory you have!
ResponderEliminarhow do you it to remember the exact day?
Simon... I saw Match Point .. It is a good film¡¡
ResponderEliminarI like woody Allen, Now I want to see Vicky Cristina Barcelona¡¡¡ Did you see it?